13th Annual Draw-a-Thon 2018: Luck of the Draw
Mark your calendars! 24 Hour Draw-a-Thon is coming to town a week early this year on November 17th, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Once again, our location is the Green Project at 2831 Marais Street.
The theme for the 13th annual 24 Hour Draw-a-Thon is “Luck of the Draw” celebrating all the strange and beautiful things that happen by random chance.
Ongoing Activities:
The Amazing Draw-a-Tron 3000 BC by Jeannie Detweiler & Caesar Meadows and The Good Shepherd School
The Splendiferous Scribble Scroll with Caesar Meadows
Pop Up and Out Black Hole Drawing Room with MaPo Kinnord
Dream Boat with Chris Staudinger
The Luckiest Place on Earth (or not) with Angela Driscoll and Chris Deris
Leadbelly’s #2 Doodle Shop and Paper Deli: Open 24 Hours! (under new management of Ursa Eyer)
Inkwell Bank Inc. with Thom Karamus
Emergency Drawing Kits (brought to you by the Graphite Council and Draw-ers Like You)
Whimsy Post with Laura Gipson
Mystery Mosaic with Barriane Franks
Workshop Schedule: (subject to constant change and serendipity!)
6:30am Lots of blank paper for the early birds! Come draw what you want or help with last minute setup.
9am Block Printing with Kenny Harrison
9am Draw Your Fortune with Becky Gipson
10am Screen Printing with Kiernan Dunn
10am Heads or Tails Flip Books with Yuka Petz
10am No Such Thing as a Free Lunch with Laura Gipson
12pm Pop Up Drawing Twins Mega Million Word Bank Scribble Scratch Off with Pop up drawing twins
12pm Drawing on Film with Miro Hoffmann
1pm Reincarnation Recycled Papermaking with Hannah Chalew
3pm 300 Years of WHAT including the Flaming Flagettes, Girls Rock and other special guests!
4pm Bestest Takes All: The Strangest, Most Superlative, Peacefullest Card Game with Chris Tastic
4pm Mega Scroll Jackpot- Up to 20 Billion Drawings! With Caesar Meadows
8pm Build-a-Beast with Stan Danley and Ron Bechet
10pm-12am Figure Drawing with Drill Sergeant Gary Oaks
12am-2am Very Superstitious Draw-a-oke with Bob Snead and can you believe it: Stan Danley
2am Camp Cassingham: Charm Quarks, “Part of this Complete Breakfast” *(This time, no marshmallows will be harmed.)
3am Luke Brechtelsbauer the Harpist (and maybe a black cat falls through the ceiling)
5am Harvest Time (Drawing Savings Time, not to be confused with Daylight Savings Time)
Want to volunteer? Use this nifty form to sign up! Volunteers will receive a free t-shirt designed by MaPo Kinnord.
This year’s Draw-A-Thon is brought to you with the generous support of the Art4Moore Fund, The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation, Louisiana Office of Cultural Development Division of the Arts, New Orleans City Council Cox Communications Community Grant Program, the Pinckelope Foundation, The Bywater CDC, and Blick Art Materials, and contributions by amazing individuals just like you.