
A brand new indie literary festival makes its debut in New Orleans this March. Tenderness, Yea and 2fast2house come together to present 2tender4house, a three-day poetry festival throughout New Orleans.

The festival showcases local queer, trans, and POC poets to foster a more inclusive poetry community. Local readers include: Jo Gehringer, Zoë Blair-Schlagenhauf, Laura Theobald, Prairie M. Faul, El Pearson, Joseph Parker Okay, Lara Glenum, Gabrielle Celeste Douglas, Margaret O’Connell, and more!

On Friday night, the festival will also feature musical performances from Half-Wight and others.

March 24: Party and Reading; 1932 Broadway Street, 9 p.m.
March 25: Reading at Grow On: Urban Farm; 2358 Urquhart Street, 8 p.m.
March 26: Matinee at Sisters in Christ Record Store; 5206 Magazine Street, 2 p.m.

More information can be found on the event’s Facebook page: “2tender4house: an indie lit fest in New Orleans.”