Antenna at Governors Island, NYC

Governors Island, NYC
Noland Park, Building 15

Opening reception Sunday, June 5, 2-5pm
On View May 28- Sept 25
12-5pm Saturdays, Sundays, and Holiday Mondays

The historic Sculptors Guild of New York, , has invited the members of the Antenna Gallery Collective to exhibit work together this Summer on Governors Island in NYC. The exhibition will also be on display as part of FIGMENT, a free, weekend long participatory arts event on Governors Island with over 10,000 attendees.

Featured Antenna Artists: 

Amelia Broussard
Amanda Cassingham-Bardwell
Brad Benischek
Courtney Egan
AnnieLaurie Erickson
Ben Fox-McCord
Susan Gisleson
Laura Gipson
James Goedert
Caesar Meadows
Natalie McLaurin
Angel Perdomo
Rontherin Ratliff
Bob Snead
Ashley Teamer
Carl Joe Williams