Antenna::Signals Issue.009: Cycles

Tuesday, August 14 6-8pm
at ArtSpace Bell School Campus
2100 Ursulines Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70119
$10 Tickets

(Signals events are free for Antenna subscribers | Subscribe Today for just $3/month!)

As one of the most culturally rich cities in the world, New Orleans’ preservation is predicated upon its attachment to repetition and tradition. In recognition of this phenomenon, issue 009 of Antenna::Signals will drop on Tuesday, August 14, and will examine the theme of Cycles, exploring the ways in which recurrence has transpired throughout New Orleans’ cultural and ecological fabrics. Explored through presentations and stories by

  • David Baker – an environmental curator with over 20 years of experience in wetland ecology – A Studio in the Woods
  • Naimonu James – healer and astrologist
  • Lamar Gardere – Executive Director of The Data Center; co-author of The New Orleans Prosperity Index: Tricentennial Edition
  • Kate Lacour – comic artist investing the intersection of art and biology
  • Jon Burchfield – vintage clothing curator at Buffalo Exchange
  • Ashley Hill – Doula with Birthmark Doula Collective

Hosted by DC Paul, local comedian and radio host, with a performance by DJ Chinua, creator of the monthly astrology themed “Ascendance” party.


Conceived as a “live arts magazine,” Antenna::Signals is a new sort of variety show by the artists and writers of Antenna. Each “issue” of Antenna::Signals will feature a spread of 6-8 local artists, writers, musicians, scientists and scholars whose practices relate thematically. The live event will be accompanied by the release of a two-dimensional print version, with each magazine dropping during the live event.

In addition to the incredible support of our subscribers, Antenna::Signals is made possible by grants from the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanitiesthe National Endowment for the Arts, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Artsthe RosaMary Foundationthe Ella West Freeman FoundationNew Orleans Arts Council, and the Louisiana Division of the Arts.

Image by Kate Lacour