Bring Your Own Presents: “Where Does It Hurt?”

BYO hosts their latest event, Where Does It Hurt?, at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 12, at the Circle Food Store (1522 St. Bernard Avenue). BYO Happy Hour with DJ Wild Wayne begins at 7:30 p.m., and stories begin at 8 p.m. Circle’s deli counter will be open for business during the event.

The New Orleans Health Department is launching a health equity initiative, and it’s ready to expand its definition of what “health” means for the city and its residents. This means looking beyond physical illnesses like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, and broadening horizons to include mental health, trauma, food access, access to healthcare, regular incomes, affordable housing, and education.

So together, the NOHD and Bring Your Own (with help from NOCCJ) join forces to ask: What’s chipping away at our health? And what can we do to heal?