Antenna Press

Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press is proud to announce the release of Abolition Film Society: Flipbook Cinema by Kriss Li & Amber Kim, Kriss Li was one of the recipients of the 2022 Paper Machine residency. Abolition Film Society: Flipbook Cinema2024, 5” x 6.25” x 2.75” Box with 5 flip books and 1 interview book, all perfect bound.$94Available Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press is proud to release Leviathans: Queer Mischief in an Amphibious Ecology a book by Devon Pardue @dparduefilm winner of the Antenna Press Award. 5” x 2.75”, 100 pages, $11 Available for purchase in our online bookstore Leviathans is an artist book and flipbook hybrid investigating queer becoming in the ecology of the Gulf South. Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press is proud to release Super Max a book by Page Comeaux @po_meaux winner of the Antenna Press Open Call Award. 5″ x 7″, 56 pages, $22 Available for purchase in our online bookstore In essays and archival photographs, Super Max unravels the interwoven legacies of two career-defining projects by New Orleans-based architects Curtis Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press is proud to release The Fifolay a graphic novel by Ana Vincent @anagrammies winner of the Antenna Press Open Call Award. 8” x 10”, 78 pages, $17 Available for purchase in our online bookstore The Fifolay is a dystopian tale of environmental magical realism in the fictional gulf-coast city Slingo. Strange Things Happen Antenna Press book release

Self-Publishing Workshop: Layout and Design 

Antenna is excited to partner with the New Orleans Public Library to offer a free workshop this weekend. Self-Publishing Workshop: Layout and Design   July 15 at 2 p.m. Nora Navra Library, 1902 St Bernard Ave, New Orleans, LA 70116 Want to publish your own book? Learn the how-to’s of book design. This workshop will cover page design, text and image sequence, book layout, and cover Self-Publishing Workshop: Layout and Design 

Book Release: As Many Genders

Join us as we celebrate the release of As Many Genders by Mick Kligler, recipient of a 2022 Antenna Press Award. This event is free and open to the public, and there will be refreshments and exciting coloring activities for kids!  This is the first children’s book published by Antenna Press, and we are so excited to Book Release: As Many Genders