Signals Archive

<p>Archive of Signals Live Arts Magazine, print magazine, Signals Podcast and Signals Docs.</p>

SINK Episode 5::Radical Shift

In the final installment of our exploration of Subsidence and Evictions, we delve into economic and political strategies to address the realities facing the land and people of New Orleans. Do we lift houses to mitigate flood damage? What could replace the current landlord/tenant system for rental housing? From the systemic to the practical, my SINK Episode 5::Radical Shift

SINK::Episode 4::It Belongs to You

Here we are again. A month post Ida. Another hurricane. Another failure of infrastructure. Confession: I wasn’t born in Lousiana. My people aren’t from here. So it feels extra important that listen. That I listen to the people who were here before me. And the people before them. And before them? The land. The water. SINK::Episode 4::It Belongs to You

SINK::The Best We Can

Welcome back to the Antenna::Signals podcast. This is episode three of our series SINK::Subsidence and Evictions in New Orleans. In the first episode, we concentrated on eviction policies, how these policies are generated and who they benefit. In the second, we considered the science of regional groundwater subsidence alongside these systems. Now we’re going to SINK::The Best We Can

Signals Issue.017 :: Subsidence

In planning for 2020 programming, Antenna staff developed the Antenna::Signals thematic arc around water as it relates to drainage, subsidence, infiltration, and retention. These themes encompass our relationships living with water, including the inherent ecological, social, economic, cultural, and political complications and possibilities of creating a more just and sus- tainable future. In this issue, Signals Issue.017 :: Subsidence

The Shift

“Being treated like you’re normal is like living in a storm and being graded on the amount of sunshine you produce.” That’s what Lil Jay says in Té V. Smith’s new Young Adult Novel, Exit Ticket. Té’s a writer and an educator. Exit Ticket is about the relationship between a black student named Lil’ Jay The Shift


When I say the word “drainage,” what do you think of? Do you think about the rain rushing down the street into the gutter? The way water does or does not flow into and out the city? Or do you think about the drainage of resources? Economic? Environmental? Emotional? Right after Katrina, the population of Drain

Antenna::Signals Issue.016::Drainage

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As a city that sits below sea level and is mostly surrounded by water, New Orleans’ relationship to this element will forever be an extremely complex one. These complexities run deep within the city’s multilayered fabric, whether ecologically regarding the roles of structures like the 24 draining pumping stations that work to manage flooding in Antenna::Signals Issue.016::Drainage

Antenna::Signals Issue.015::Extraction

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS” style=”flat” shape=”square” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-hand-o-right” button_block=”true” add_icon=”true” link=”|title:CLICK%20HERE%20TO%20APPLY|target:%20_blank|”][vc_column_text] Tuesday, December 10th 6:00pm-8:30pm @ Man Ray Records 228 Decatur Street (2nd Floor) New Orleans, LA 70130   $10 (or free for Antenna Subscribers), Speakers will include: Monique Verdin Rontherin Ratliff Joseph Makkos, NOLA DNA Joe Lyle, Founder/Owner of Man Ray Records Dr. Antenna::Signals Issue.015::Extraction