Community Resources

See below a list of community resources and opportunities with Antenna and broader community partners. Please feel free to reach out to any of our staff members for more information on the information below.

Community Office Hours Sign-Up Sheet

Community office hours provide time for artists and culture bearers to pitch their creative projects to Amelia, Grace, and Carole, Antenna’s exhibitions, development and executive director.  The Antenna team will provide feedback on how to develop and write a project brief, resources grants and funding, documentation, possible collaborations with Antenna or direct you to other arts organizations that might be a good fit and will answer any questions you might have about your project. Click the link here to fill out an interest form.

Antenna Space Rental Requests

Antenna offers the creative community of New Orleans affordable space rental at a sliding scale for meetings, workshops, readings, exhibitions, book launches and visiting artists. Rental agreements are developed unique to each situation’s need and existing programming taking place at Antenna Gallery and Paper Machine. To inquire about facilities rentals and policies please reach out to

Programming Proposals for Community Space at Paper Machine

Antenna offers its multi-use community space for meetings, readings, exhibitions, and public programs at Paper Machine. The space can accommodate 15 people for a sit down meeting, or 30-45 for an opening reception. See the Google Form here for more information and to determine if the space will fit your needs. We ask that proposals are submitted 45-90 days before the dates of your event.