Draw-a-thon 2010
24 Hours of Drawing Fun!
PRESS STREET presents the 5th Annual 24 Hour Draw-a-thon!
A FREE 24 hour drawing marathon!
(Don’t worry…it’s NOT a lock down…folks can come and go as they please; stay an hour or two or ten or twelve or the entire twenty-four…you choose how you want to experience it.)
Press Street’s 24 hour Draw-a-thon is the only event of its kind in the city of New Orleans. It is an art experience in which people are active participants– not spectators; where the entire premise is to encourage creating for the sake of creating, process over product. It is an all-ages, free event that is open to the public. All art materials are provided.
The 24 hours are punctuated by two-hour drawing workshops led by local artists and arts educators, designed to encourage the participant to experience different aspects of the art of drawing. The environment constantly changes because of what is being taught and drawn.
In addition to these more structured events, there are on-going activities: the ever-popular Drawing Room, in which every surface is covered in paper, fun for children of all ages; as well as the Amazing Draw-a-tron 3000 and live figure drawing.
Draw-a-thon is a large scale collaboration involving over 20 artists who plan the event including (but not limited to) Jeff Becker, Kourtney Keller, Brad Benischek, Kenny Harrison Ron Bechet, Susan Gisleson, Gary Oaks, Angela Driscoll, Caesar Meadows, Judy Burks, Marucs Brown, Laura Gipson, Jerald L. White, Luke Quinn, Hao-Peng Liao, Amanda Cassingham, Viorel Hodre and many more) as well as the hundreds of participants who take part throughout the 24 hours.
Draw-a-thon 2010 Partners: Press Street, The City of New Orleans, The Arts Council of New Orleans, Louisiana Division of the Arts, and The Green Project. For more information, please contact Susan Gisleson at susan@press-street.com
DRAW-A-THON 2010 — Event Schedule!
The drawing room! For the young at heart! Kid centered activities in a room covered with drawing paper!
Optical illusion drawing & Creature battle draw with Luke Q
Printmaking with Hot Iron Press
Macro/micro illustrations with Laura Richens
Book making with Angela Driscoll
Cereal box workshop
Noon-2pm, Drawing with Light!
Use a flashlight to make digital prints with Times-picayune illustrator Kenny Harrison
Draw on film with Kourtney Keller
Xavier University’s Ron Bechet’s do what you want to
Nathan Weidenhaft & Marcus Brown – Innovative noise/draw continuum
LSU Gradurate Student Revolution: Drawing is an attitude; draw in 3D!
The lovely Rose’s Columbus Street Drawing Group – Victorian Flop House poses
Drill Sergeant Gary Oaks speed gesture drawing exercise
Satellite City with Bob Sneed and perhaps New Zealand but definitely New Orleans and the Saturn Bar
Camp CASSINGHAM: second hand slide drawing and scary stories (equisite corpse!) and constellations
Punchy Doodle time with Caesar Meadows
Drawing inventory and un-fun super serious zombie clean up and maybe crying but definitely teeth gnashing chain gang hour
On-going activities:
Who Da-Da? Viorel Hodre, Judy Burks & Jerald L. White
Tristan Thompson’s Wondersphere
Whimsy post with Laura “Whimsy Now” Gipson
The amazing draw-a-tron 3000 constructed by James Goesdert
Jam Comix shepherded by Caesar Meadows
Artistic license by Kenny Harrison
Image Library
Texture Center
Still-life laboratory curated by Susan Gisleson
Emergency art rations by Angela Driscoll
Sand mandala by Rye Gipson
* This program is supported in part by a Community Arts Grant made possible by the City of New Orleans. The grant is administered through the Arts Council of New Orleans.