Golden Heart Players

Please join us for “ONE FAMILY AT A TIME”
A new play by the Golden Heart Players – The Oldest Theatre Troupe in New Orleans

One Family at a Time explores issues that may keep New Orleanians from returning home. Episodes cover crime, education, and healthcare. The play not only looks at the problems, it also highlights what each person can do in their community to improve our city. At the end of the play, audience members are asked to identify what each can do to make the city a place that would attract those who have left and remain hopeful of returning.  (20-30 minutes)

The Golden Heart Players was established in 2005.  It grew out of workshops offered to the seniors as part of their Uptown Shepherd’s Center experience. Several seniors committed to establishing a touring theatre. The core members, some of whom have temporarily left the area, have been meeting weekly since that time except for two months following Katrina.

Hosted by Press Street/Antenna, The Uptown Shepherd’s Center, Turning Point Partners, and Charitable Film Network.  For more information please contact or Lou Furman at 504.314.0300.

GHP is supported in part by a Community Arts Grant administered through the Arts Council of New Orleans.

Tuesday, May 24th
6:30 pm – Reception
7:00 pm – Performance