Letters Read: Call for Writings
Antenna, in collaboration with stationer Nancy Sharon Collins, is accepting submissions to be read by the submitter to a live audience at LETTERS READ: Letters of Regret:
Wednesday, September 13th
6:30pm at Antenna Gallery
3718 Saint Claude Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70117
Admission is free and open to the public.
Submit your crushing job rejection letters, your bombastic resignations, the letter from that insatiably cute boy who inexplicably broke up with you in sixth grade. Expressions of loss or grief. Letters of remorse, of apology — received, copied, never sent. Notes left on windshields, nailed to trees, taped on doors, or snuck into bags.
Submissions can be letters either sent or received, or third party letters to which you hold a emotional or intellectual connection.
LETTERS READ: Letters of Regret celebrates the visual form of human rejection, giving public voice to those words that can be most difficult to write or read. Submissions should be no longer than 10 typed pages, double spaced, or an equivalent thereof. Handwritten submissions will be considered if legible. High resolution jpg images of unconventional forms can be submitted up to 10MB in size but, again, must be legible. Illegible messages can be accompanied by a transcription. Submission deadline is August 31, 2017.
Though the intent of Regrets is to give audio meaning to text-based correspondence, should you be unable to attend and or read, we will provide a reader for your Letter of Regret.
Questions? Email Nancy Sharon Collins: nscstationer@earthlink.net.
IMAGE: Early mid-20th century minaudière (fancy evening bag) found in a flea market with hand written note on a gentleman’s calling card inside reading:
I am on
My way to
I have no ideas
As to what to