Local and national open call winners

We are pleased to announce our local and national open call winners, Nathan Halverson and Doreen Garner.

Here is curator Erin Dziedzic’s juror statement for the local open call:
“The few times I have been to New Orleans have been exceedingly stimulating, and I see from the energy, expression, and range of works presented in the Antenna: Open Call that the artists who submitted also feel that special draw of the city’s exuberance. It was a pleasure to be part of this selection process where artists from NOLA demonstrated growth and opportunity in their artistic practice.

“Of this group of local artists I’d like to distinguish the work of Nathan Halverson who was selected amongst a talented group of peers to receive an award and exhibition opportunity from Antenna. His video works create a non-narrative experiential force buttressed by unique sounds that transform our viewing experience of the collaged visual sequences. It is my pleasure to honor this artist with the Antenna: Open Call awards for 2016. I would also like to make mention of Lizzie Agnes, Avery Lawrence, and Richard Gavrich whose submissions demonstrated great skill, solid artistic vision, and promise for future exhibition and award opportunities. Thank you for Antenna for this chance to be introduced to new artists in NOLA and to all of the artists for their continued inspiration.”

Doreen Garner’s website www.doreengarner.com
Nathan Halverson’s website www.nathan-halverson.com