Maple Street Books and Dogfish Host Readings on June 23

Maple Street Book Shop hosts Adam Crittenden, Stacey Balkun, and Sara Slaughter at 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 23, at their storefront (7529 Maple St).

The Dogfish Reading Series presents Doreen Piano at 7:30 pm on Thursday, June 23, at Dogfish headquarters (2448 N. Villere St). Doors open at 7 pm. This month’s open mic has been extended and will begin when the featured reader is done. The event is free and open to the public.

Adam Crittenden holds an MFA in poetry from New Mexico State University and serves as an editor for Lingerpost and Puerto del Sol. His work has appeared in Whiskey Island, Barn Owl Review, Bayou Magazine, Metazen, Matter Press, > kill author, and other journals. He currently teaches writing in Albuquerque. His new book of poetry is Blood Eagle.

Stacey Balkun is the author of two chapbooks, Jackalope-Girl Learns to Speak (dancing girl press 2016) & Lost City Museum (ELJ Publications 2016). She received her MFA from Fresno State and her work has appeared or will appear in Gargoyle, Muzzle, THRUSH, Bodega, and others. A 2015 Hambidge Fellow, Stacey served as Artist-in-Residence at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in 2013. She is a contributing writer for The California Journal of Women Writers at

Doreen Piano has been photographing New Orleans’ graffiti and street culture since late 2005. She teaches rhetoric, writing and gender studies’ classes at the University of New Orleans where she is also the Director of Women and Gender Studies Program. She has published widely and broadly in popular, online, and academic journals on Third Wave feminism and zine culture, visual rhetoric and pedagogy, and New Orleans’ street art and graffiti. Her most recent article ‘Boost or Blight’: Graffiti and Street Art in the ‘new’ New Orleans was published in the Routledge Handbook of Graffiti and Street Art in early 2016.

Sara Slaughter is editor of Antenna’s Room 220: New Orleans Book and Literary News. Her writing has appeared in The Cortland Review, New World Writing, PANK, and other publications. She is the author of Upriver, a chapbook of prose poems and woodcuts.