Kerry Punzo
Kerry Punzo was born in New Orleans but lived in several states. He graduated from a New Orleans Public school in 1967 and attended LSUNO then enlisted in the Navy. He married, had a son, after 4 years in the navy, he graduated from the University of New Orleans in 1977, earning his B. A. in Education and completed the requirements for a B. A. in Fine Arts. Kerry Punzo worked as a public school art teacher, 28 years while concurrently working on and showing his art at various galleries and museums. He earned a Masters in Fine Arts at UNO.and received a NEA Artist Grant in 1992 for large sculptures in public spaces. By the mid 1990s, Kerry stopped showing his work but continued doing art. He also worked on making movie props for various film projects. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina ended his teaching career.