Drawn to This Place Thom Karamus


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Binding: Perfect Bound
Pages: 300
Categories: , , , , , ,


In Drawn to this Place, comic artist Thom Karamus explores New Orleans’ music, food, and culture with pen-and-ink self portraits, resulting in a free-form guidebook/autobiography. This project was released for the artist’s exhibition at Antenna.

Thom Karamus is a multidisciplinary artist based in New Orleans. A monthly contributor to Antigravity since 2019, a Draw-A-Thon workshop artist since 2018, and an Antenna collective member since 2020, Karamus continues to explore his adoptive home, and himself, through filmmaking, comics, illustration and writing.

Additional information

Weight .8 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 1 in

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