RAD Families and Friends: Book Release and Social Hour


Tomas Moniz presents RAD Families: A Celebration at 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 23, at Rank & File Books (5206 Magazine Street).

Join Editor Tomas Moniz and local rad writers Hope Gutwrench, musician Nomi!, and more TBA for an engaging hour at Rank & File Books.

RAD Families: A Celebration honors the messy, the painful, the playful, the beautiful, the myriad ways we create families. This is not an anthology of experts, or how-to articles on perfect parenting; it often doesn’t even try to provide answers. Instead, the writers strive to be honest and vulnerable in sharing their stories and experiences, their failures and their regrets.

Gathering parents and writers from diverse communities, it explores the process of getting pregnant from trans birth to adoption, grapples with issues of racism and police brutality, probes raising feminists and feminist parenting. It plumbs the depths of empty nesting and letting go. It’s a book that reminds us all that we are not alone, that community can help us get through the difficulties, can, in fact, make us better people. It’s a celebration, join us!

Tomas Moniz is the founder and editor of the award-winning zine Rad Dad. He has helped raise three children and has been making zines since the late nineties. He teaches basic skills classes and creative writing at Berkeley City College. He is cofounder and cohost of the successful monthly reading series Lyrics and Dirges as well as the more rambunctious open mic, Saturday Night Special. His latest novella is Bellies and Buffalos.