
Less than The Sum of Its Parts: Neil Marshall’s Hellboy is a bloody, joyless slog.

  I’ve been a Hellboy fan for decades. From the beginning of his first miniseries, released in 1994, I knew I was reading something special. I had seen Mike Mignola’s art here and there in high profile comics projects from the Big Two—Some issues of X-Force, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight. Hellboy attracted me because it Less than The Sum of Its Parts: Neil Marshall’s Hellboy is a bloody, joyless slog.

Read My World

Kim van Kaam ( the Netherlands)  I met Kristina Kay Robinson by coincidence, while she sat next to me at an Antenna meeting. Almost by accident, we found out she had been writing letters with one of the writers I work with, Simone Atangana Bekono, commissioned by the Dutch literary festival Read my World in Read My World