elizabeth gross

Parasite Kingdom + this body / that lighting show

April 24th, 6PM-7:30PM Octavia Books 513 Octavia Street (corner of Octavia and Laurel) New Olreans, LA, 70115 Celebrate National Poetry Month with Brad Richard and Elizabeth Gross as they launch their new books. Brad Richard’s collection, Parasite Kingdom, received the 2018 Tenth Gate Prize, selected by editor and poet Leslie McGrat. Elizabeth Gross’s debut collection, this body / that lightning show, Parasite Kingdom + this body / that lighting show

ROOM 220 presents Amy Berkowitz, Chanel Clarke, Aran Donovan, Elizabeth Gross, Megan McHugh & Cassie Pruyn

ROOM 220 presents Amy Berkowitz in celebration of her book Tender Points at 7 p.m. on Friday, November 3, 2017, at Antenna Gallery (3718 St. Claude Ave.). Free and open to the public, the event will also feature readings by New Orleans women’s workshop members Chanel Clarke, Aran Donovan, Elizabeth Gross, Megan McHugh, and Cassie Pruyn. Amy ROOM 220 presents Amy Berkowitz, Chanel Clarke, Aran Donovan, Elizabeth Gross, Megan McHugh & Cassie Pruyn

The animating grief is unfixable: A review of Elizabeth Gross’ Dear Escape Artist

Dear Escape Artist Elizabeth Gross Press Street Press/Antenna,  2016 “Figures take shape,” Roland Barthes writes in A Lover’s Discourse, “insofar as we can recognize, in passing discourse, something that has been read, heard, felt.” Dear Escape Artist, an epistolary sequence poem by Elizabeth Gross joined with book artist Sara White’s ink drawings, assembles its addressee The animating grief is unfixable: A review of Elizabeth Gross’ Dear Escape Artist

Maple Street Book Shop hosts Elizabeth Gross, Anya Groner, and Carlus Henderson

The Maple Street Book Shop will host Elizabeth Gross, Anya Groner, and Carlus Henderson at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, November 29, at the Maple Street Book Shop (7529 Maple Street). Copies of Gross’s new chapbook, DEAR ESCAPE ARTIST, will be available for sale along with copies of Sara White’s beautiful art book edition of So Our Ghosts Can Maple Street Book Shop hosts Elizabeth Gross, Anya Groner, and Carlus Henderson

Recently read, a New Orleans writers round up: Elizabeth Gross, Adrian Van Young, Justin Nobel, the Peaudunque Writers Alliance, and more

If you’re craving a break from your election anxieties, Room 220 has put together an incredible, non-exhaustive list of recent publications from writers around New Orleans, as well as a few from those who used to be in our midst. Elizabeth Gross, whose chapbook will released from the Room 220 imprint Press Street Press later this month, Recently read, a New Orleans writers round up: Elizabeth Gross, Adrian Van Young, Justin Nobel, the Peaudunque Writers Alliance, and more

LadyFest Lit 2016: Saturday Afternoon

LadyFest New Orleans Literary Readings will host a reading at 2 p.m. on Saturday, November 5, at a Garden District home (1432 Magazine Street). Organizers promise great food, great wine, and great fun. The reading will feature women writing literature in New Orleans and Louisiana, including: Andrea Panzeca, Lauren Burgess, The Witness, Anna Young, Sara Jacobelli, Jade Hurter, LadyFest Lit 2016: Saturday Afternoon

The Waves Reading Series presents Foster Noone, Marisa Clogher, Jennifer Hanks, and Megan Burns on Sept. 16

Press Street is pleased to host The Waves, New Orleans’ premiere LGBTQIA reading series, as it presents a showcase of queer literary talent at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 16, at the Press Street HQ (3718 St. Claude Ave.). Now in its second season, The Waves has become one of the most popular queer literary event series The Waves Reading Series presents Foster Noone, Marisa Clogher, Jennifer Hanks, and Megan Burns on Sept. 16