jarret lofstead

Most of the New Orleanians I met were working: An interview with Brian Boyles

I’ve worked with Brian Boyles since we met at Handsome Willy’s in 2008. We’ve worked City Council DJ Happy Hours, cross-generational panel discussions, yard parties, music festivals, and many, many Saints games. His new book, New Orleans Boom and Blackout: 100 Days in America’s Coolest Hotspot, is a nonfiction account of the 100 days preceding the Most of the New Orleanians I met were working: An interview with Brian Boyles

The People Say Project presents Lafcadio Hearn, late night at the Tennessee Williams Festival

Jeez, the titles of these posts are getting increasingly genius, aren’t they? It’s a rough world in this local literary blogosphere, kid. Sometimes it kills the head (and the heart … and the liver? no, we don’t have no time for drinkin’). You know who did have time for drinking? Lafcadio Hearn. His portrayal of The People Say Project presents Lafcadio Hearn, late night at the Tennessee Williams Festival