jeri hilt

Dogfish Reading Series launches 2016 season with Mixed Company on Jan. 21

The Dogfish Reading Series presents their first event of the year featuring writers from Mixed Company at 7:30 pm on Thursday, Jan. 21, at Dogfish headquarters (2448 N. Villere St). Doors open at 7 pm. Featured readers will include Addie Citchens, Jeri Hilt, Ambata Kazi-Nance, and Kristina Kay Robinson. The open mic will begin at 8:30 pm. The event Dogfish Reading Series launches 2016 season with Mixed Company on Jan. 21

The New Orleans Loving Festival presents poet Sonia Sanchez and contributors to Mixed Company

The New Orleans Loving Festival presents an evening with Sonia Sanchez along with contributors to Mixed Company from 6 – 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 13, at Le Musée de f.p.c. (2336 Esplanade Ave.). Sonia Sanchez is an African-American poet most often associated with the Black Arts Movement. She has written more than a dozen The New Orleans Loving Festival presents poet Sonia Sanchez and contributors to Mixed Company

Truth, meaning, and location can be lost, even in a book of maps: A review of UNFATHOMABLE CITY: A NEW ORLEANS ATLAS

Room 220 will host the New Orleans launch of Unfathomable City: A New Orleans Atlas at a Happy Hour Salon from 4 – 7 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 23, at the All Ways Lounge (2240 St. Claude Ave.). More details here. Unfathomable City: A New Orleans Atlas Edited by Rebecca Solnit and Rebecca Snedeker University Truth, meaning, and location can be lost, even in a book of maps: A review of UNFATHOMABLE CITY: A NEW ORLEANS ATLAS


Please join Room 220 for a special event as part of the New Orleans Loving Festival—Black Rabbits and White Indians: Racially Controversial Children’s Books—at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 12, at the Press Street HQ (3718 St. Claude Ave.). NOTE: Unlike most Room 220 events, this one will start (sort of) on time. It will be immediately followed Room 220 and the Loving Festival Present BLACK RABBITS AND WHITE INDIANS: RACIALLY CONTROVERSIAL CHILDREN’S BOOKS