Nathan Halverson

Nathan Halverson: Absolute Difference

On view: Nov 12- Dec 4, 2016 Opening Reception: Nov 12, 6-10pm Daily hours: Tuesday -Friday 12-5 Nathan Halverson’s exhibit, Absolute Difference, presents works of found, remixed, and processed audio-visual material exploring the personal and cultural associations that shape our perceptions of media, and the assumptions about referentiality, artificiality, and authenticity we impose on them. Nathan Halverson: Absolute Difference

Local and national open call winners

We are pleased to announce our local and national open call winners, Nathan Halverson and Doreen Garner. Here is curator Erin Dziedzic’s juror statement for the local open call: “The few times I have been to New Orleans have been exceedingly stimulating, and I see from the energy, expression, and range of works presented in Local and national open call winners