new orleans writing

New Orleans writers round up: Lara Naughton, Jesmyn Ward, Justin Nobel, Maurice Carlos Ruffin, Kristin Sanders, and Yuri Herrera

Countless writers in New Orleans are ever plucking away at their keyboards, conducting research or interviews, or simply probing their memories and inner lives to create worthwhile work. Much of this is published online, scattered disparately throughout cyberspace. Here are a few things we at Room 220 read recently that compelled us to gather them together and share. New Orleans writers round up: Lara Naughton, Jesmyn Ward, Justin Nobel, Maurice Carlos Ruffin, Kristin Sanders, and Yuri Herrera

A Trail of Discovery: A Review of Juyanne James’ The Persimmon Trail and Other Stories

The Persimmon Trail and Other Stories Juyanne James Chin Music Press, 2015 Images of a South Louisiana experience, in New Orleans and in the country, some surprising, some familiar, emerge throughout Juyanne James’ debut collection of short stories, The Persimmon Trail and Other Stories. These well-crafted images stay with the reader. The basketball star Chris Paul, known as A Trail of Discovery: A Review of Juyanne James’ The Persimmon Trail and Other Stories