noel rockmore

Civil Rights, philistines, and Teddy bears, Oh my!: Celebrate the launch of the new issue of Louisiana Cultural Vistas magazine

The Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities will celebrate the publication of the most recent issue of its flagship quarterly, Louisiana Cultural Vistas, starting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25, at the Louisiana Humanities Center (958 Lafayette St.). The Fall 2013 LCV, which is available in full online, features a cover story on New Orleans Civil Rights, philistines, and Teddy bears, Oh my!: Celebrate the launch of the new issue of Louisiana Cultural Vistas magazine

The Historic New Orleans Collection presents “Alternative Imprints: Jon Webb, Gypsy Lou, and the Hand-Sewn World of the Loujon Press”

The Historic New Orleans collection recently unveiled a new exhibition, “Alternative Imprints: Jon Webb, Gypsy Lou, and the Hand-Sewn World of the Loujon Press,” dedicated to the life and work of the progenitors of the esteemed 1960s New Orleans publishing project. The exhibition, which consists largely of materials donated to the HNOC by the Webbs’ The Historic New Orleans Collection presents “Alternative Imprints: Jon Webb, Gypsy Lou, and the Hand-Sewn World of the Loujon Press”