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Music & Poetry at Bar Redux

Bar Redux will host Music & Poetry at 6 p.m. on Sunday, October 22, at 801 Poland Avenue. This month features music with Guest Host Jonathan Brown. Spoken word & poetry readings by Christopher Hefferman, Briana Augustus, Amanda Emily Smith, Toby O’Brien, Simon Taylor, and Russ Mercado. There is a signup sheet for poets wishing Music & Poetry at Bar Redux

Music and poetry at Bar Redux

Bar Redux hosts Music & Poetry at 9 p.m. on Thursday, July 6, at 801 Poland Avenue. The event is a showcase of live music, fiction and poetry, hosted by Ryan Gregory Floyd. This month features music from Ryan Gregory Floyd and Dusky Waters, with spoken word & poetry readings by Zachary W. Mohr, Kataalyst Alcindor, Christopher Music and poetry at Bar Redux