UNO English Alumni Night

The UNO Creative Writing Workshop hosts English Alumni Night at 6 p.m. on Friday, November 4, at the Homer L. Hitt Alumni Center (Campus map here). Dine and reminisce with fellow graduates, as well as present and former faculty to help mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Creative Writing Workshop. RSVP by Oct. 14, at this link. UNO English Alumni Night

Rick Barton and Joanne Leake Booksigning

Garden District Book Shop will host Rick Barton and Joanne Leake at 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 3, at their storefront (2727 Prytania Street). The two will sign copies of Monday Nights: Stories from the Creative Writing Workshop at the University of New Orleans. For the last twenty-five years, the fiction writers in the MFA program at the University of Rick Barton and Joanne Leake Booksigning

UNO Creative Writing Workshop hosts Laura Mullen and Afton Wilky on March 9

The University of New Orleans Creative Writing Workshop will host a reading by Laura Mullen & Afton Wilky at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9, at the University of New Orleans Lakefront Campus, Liberal Arts Building, Room 197. The reading will be followed by a Q&A, book signing, and brief reception. The event is supported in part by Poets & Writers. UNO Creative Writing Workshop hosts Laura Mullen and Afton Wilky on March 9

I don’t have to leave New Orleans, it’s leaving me: An interview with Maurice Carlos Ruffin

Maurice Carlos Ruffin has always been a writer, he says, but his writing speaks for itself on this account. Ruffin, a New Orleans native, earned his MFA in 2013 and has been taking the literary community by storm ever since. His work has been widely published, and he has received several accolades, including the 2014 I don’t have to leave New Orleans, it’s leaving me: An interview with Maurice Carlos Ruffin