The Green Screen – If A Tree Falls

Please join us for a free screening of IF A TREE FALLS, by Marshall Curry (2011)

If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front looks behind-the-curtain at the ELF and explores two pressing issues in America today — environmentalism and terrorism. Part coming-of-age tale, part cops-and-robbers thriller, the film interweaves a verite chronicle of Daniel McGowan on house arrest as he faces life in prison, with a dramatic recounting of the events that led to his involvement with the group. And along the way it asks hard questions about environmentalism, activism, and the way we define terrorism. (85 minutes)  Doors open at 6:30pm – Screening starts at 7:00pm.

“THE GREEN SCREEN” is a monthly environmental film series produced by the Charitable Film Network and The Green Project, and held monthly at The Green Project Warehouse. All films are free and open to the public – so invite your friends!

Seating is limited.   For more information or to rsvp contact