I Know a Place
On View :: Sat. Jun. 11th, 2022 - Sun. Jul. 3rd, 2022
Exhibition Dates: Saturday June 11 – Sunday July 3, 2022
Opening Reception: Saturday June 11, 6pm-10pm
Gallery Hours: Wed-Sun 12pm-5pm
Jourdan Barnes, Hannah Chalew, Jose Cotto, Thomas Friel, Ann Haley, Lucia Honey, Sara Mandandar, Mary Ratcliff, Suzanna Scott and Jade Thiraswas
Curated byJan Christian Bernabe
As we make our way into 2022, we might consider the weight of the changing and challenging world that we have collectively carried. Many of us feel an overwhelming weariness. These are pandemic times. These are times that have surfaced the cruelest components of humanity using race as a wedge to pit one against another. Yet, these are also times that have brought out the collective resilience, creativity, and kindness of individuals, unwittingly creating a type of queer vigilante—queer, in so far as, their vision is one premised on non-normative ways of navigating the world; feelings of shared struggles and interwoven histories; and queer, in so far as, temporal and spatial comforts exceeds or even defies preordained scripts. These are times when intersections, convergences, and connections, big and small, matter. The group show I Know a Place brings together artists whose artistic practices thrive at the junctions—these are creative intersections in which being a queer vigilante isn’t just another newfangled label but a critical praxis integrated into all facets of one’s life. I Know a Place is group show that creates the very places of comfort and joy; humor and laughter; kinship and solace. These are places that often feel few and far between or referred to in the past tense: “I knew a place.” But these places do exist today. To find them requires the act of reaching out. It’s a matter of simply asking: “Where is that place you know?” The artists in this group show will show you where those places are and then some.
-Jan Christian Bernabe
Featured Image: Jade Thiraswas
I Know A Place