Please join Press Street / Antenna and the New Orleans Loving Festival for a special free film screening: ONE BIG HAPA FAMILY by Jeff Chiba Stearns

After a realization at a family reunion, half Japanese-Canadian filmmaker, Jeff Chiba Stearns, embarks on a journey of self-discovery to find out why everyone in his Japanese-Canadian family married interracially after his grandparents’ generation. This feature live action and animated documentary explores why almost 100% of all Japanese-Canadians are marrying interracially, the highest out of any other ethnicity in Canada, and how their mixed children perceive their unique multiracial identities. (85 minutes) A short Q&A and reception with award winning filmmaker Jeff Chiba Stearns will follow the screening.


By Jerry A. Henry and Andrea J. Chia

New parents Jerry and Andrea have endured their own share of discrimination growing up. They hope their newborn son can grow up identifying as something other than “other.” (7 minutes)
Co-presented by Press Street/Antenna, Charitable Film Network, Ashé Cultural Arts Center, the New Orleans Film Society, and New Orleans Video Voices. Please visit CFN’s Meetup calendar for additional NOLF events or contact mail@charitablefilmnetwork.


New Orleans Loving Festival (NOLF) is a multiracial community celebration sponsored by the Charitable Film Network and Press Street.  NOLF was inspired by the actions of a Louisiana Justice of the Peace, who refused to issue a marriage license in 2009 to an interracial couple in Hammond, LA.  NOLF is modeled after “Loving Day” celebrations across the country that organize people to fight racial prejudice through education, and build multicultural community.  Loving Day also honors the legacy of Richard & Mildred Loving, the interracial couple whose 1967 landmark civil rights lawsuit “Loving v. Virginia,” ended all race-based legal restrictions on marriage in the United States.