ROOM 220 Presents: A Happy Hour Salon with Catherine Lacey and Wayne Curtis
Room 220 is pleased to present a Happy Hour Salon featuring authors Catherine Lacey and Wayne Curtis to celebrate the release of their new books from 6 – 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 12, at the Press Street HQ (3718 St. Claude Ave.).
Catherine Lacey’s debut novel, Nobody Is Ever Missing, has received rave reviews in the New Yorker, the New York Times, Slate, and in many other outlets. The book follows a young woman who abruptly leaves her husband and life in New York and flies to New Zealand, where she knows one person (sort of), weaving for the reader a narrative tapestry from strands of memory, trauma, and dark comic insight. Lacey is a 2007 graduate of Loyola University New Orleans and co-founder of 3B Brooklyn, a cooperatively run bed and breakfast.
Wayne Curtis’ most recent book, The Last Great Walk: The True Story of a 1909 Walk from New York to San Francisco, and Why it Matters Today, is at once the story of Edward Peyton Weston, who at 70 years old at the dawn of the automobile age decided to walk across the United States—an act that captured the nation’s imagination—and the story of what has happened since, as humans have mostly decided to stop walking. Curtis, who lives in New Orleans, is a contributing editor to The Atlantic, a lifelong freelance writer, and author of And a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails.
Stay tuned for the Room 220 interviews with Lacey and Curtis, conducted by Nathan C. Martin and Anne Gisleson, respectively.
As always, this event is free and open to the public. Complimentary libations will be on hand, though we strongly suggest you tip your bartender.