
To make this inscrutable thing understandable: An interview with Anya Groner

Anya Groner’s work has appeared in Guernica, The Rumpus, The Atlantic, The New York Times, and elsewhere. Her projects include a recently produced chapbook of poetry and a novel-in-progress called The Trouble With Girls. She has published everything from essays to poetry, but her work frequently deals with the contentious relationships between young people, especially sisters. She To make this inscrutable thing understandable: An interview with Anya Groner

The Book Series as Tapas Restaurant: Christopher Schaberg on OBJECT LESSONS

Loyola University New Orleans professor Christopher Schaberg and Georgia Tech professor Ian Bogost are co-editors of Object Lessons, an online essay series published by the Atlantic and print book series published by Bloomsbury. Christopher Schaberg answered Room 220’s questions about the series and a few of its most recent publications. Schaberg will join fellow Loyola colleague The Book Series as Tapas Restaurant: Christopher Schaberg on OBJECT LESSONS