Yuka Petz

Transfer & Detach

Accumulation and movement are themes explored through print, video, and sculptural paper in this solo exhibition by Yuka Petz. Through this new body of work, she continues her inquiries into text as a uniquely human construction, examining direct and mediated processes between our hands and letterforms, as well as where and how text exists and Transfer & Detach

SIFT – Edible Book Festival

Join SIFT and the New Orleans Public Library for the Edible Book Festival. Register Edible Book Entries: 1:00-1:45 pm Community judging: 1:45 – 3:00 pm Eating: 3:00-4:00 pm The Edible Book Festival is an annual event held throughout the world in April. Join in the culinary, literary fun by creating an edible book entry that SIFT – Edible Book Festival

SGCI Conference Reception

SGCI Conference Reception: March 16th from 6:30pm to 10:00pm at Antenna. Empanada Intifada will be there selling empanadas! ___ OBJECT PLAY – On view March 10-April 8, 2012 Curated by SIFT Co-founders Angela Driscoll and Yuka Petz. Object Play explores the relationships between text, image, and object. Artists Katie Murken, Christopher Michlig, and collaborators Tricia SGCI Conference Reception


OBJECT PLAY:  On view March 10 – April 8, 2012 Opening Reception: March 10, 2012, 6-9pm SGCI Conference Reception: March 16, 6:30-10pm – Empanada Intifada will be there selling empanadas during the reception! Object Play, curated by SIFT Co-founders Angela Driscoll and Yuka Petz, explores the relationships between text, image, and object. Artists Katie Murken, OBJECT PLAY

Book Arts with Yuka & Angela

Join SIFT at Press Street’s Antenna Gallery for a free, informal book arts workshop. Participants will select a non-traditional book structure and then create their own cut-up poem from found text. Using collage, rubber stamps, transfer type, and stencils, we will incorporate our cut-up poems into these one-of-a-kind artist’s books. All materials will be provided. Book Arts with Yuka & Angela