The Collected Known Adventures of the Afro Brother Spacemen John Slade


9 in stock

Binding: Perfect Bound
Pages: 156
Categories: , ,


The collected anthology of New Orleans-based artist John Slade, featuring all six issues of his epic, self-published comic Afro Brother Spaceman.

John Slade was born in 1957 which meant he was just in time to experience a renaissance in animation on television that would influence him and his art. As a child in elementary school, John was tapped to do a one man show at the New Orleans school board office in 1968. He began doing political cartoons for his high school newspaper, the Kennedy Courier, where he won his first cartooning award. During that time he experimented in Super 8 filmmaking and animation. He later won many New Orleans Press awards for his political cartoons in local newspapers. John had a long stint in talk radio on WBOK from 2007 to 2019 while also doing a decade of work writing and drawing his Afro Brother Spacemen comic book. The comic book led to the short animated film, “Afro Brother Spacemen In The Day The Earth Stood Stupid.” Currently, John’s can be found on and on New Orleans Access Television Wednesdays at 6:30 am & pm.

Additional information

Weight 1.3 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 9 × 0.5 in




