
Making Books: Symposium at Tulane, Sept. 14

Tulane University will host a conversation about the creative process of making photography books with photographer Thomas Roma, curator Susan Kismaric, and author Phillip Lopate, all of who were involved in creating books currently on display at Tulane’s Newcomb Art Gallery as part of the exhibition “Pictures for Books.” Pelican Bomb will record the conversation Making Books: Symposium at Tulane, Sept. 14

The Artistry of Loujon Press: Part 2

Pelican Bomb, an online comrade, has posted Part 2 of the two-part series I wrote about the publications of Loujon Press, a fine-press publisher based in the French Quarter in the 1960s. Loujon published two of Bukowski’s first books, four issues of its literary magazine, The Outsider, and two of Henry Miller’s books, which are The Artistry of Loujon Press: Part 2