
John Pope’s collection of Times-Pic obits launches Oct. 14 at Octavia Books

In what strikes Room 220 editors as a book that was dying to be published (har, har), longtime Times-Picayune journalist and obituary writer John Pope will celebrate the launch of his new collection of TP obits, Getting Off At Elysian Fields, at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 14, at Octavia Books (513 Octavia St.). The collection spans Pope’s long John Pope’s collection of Times-Pic obits launches Oct. 14 at Octavia Books

Recently read, a New Orleans writers roundup: Anya Groner, Mwende Katwiwa, and Anne Gisleson

Countless writers in New Orleans are ever plucking away at their keyboards, conducting research or interviews, or simply probing their memories and inner lives to create worthwhile work. Much of this is published online, scattered disparately throughout cyberspace. Here are a few things we at Room 220 read recently that compelled us to gather them together and Recently read, a New Orleans writers roundup: Anya Groner, Mwende Katwiwa, and Anne Gisleson

A look inside the abbatoir: Rebecca Theim’s new book looks at the (failed) battle to save the daily Times-Picayune

On the surface, a newspaper war seems fun. In New Orleans, a place that loves to fetishize the old-timey, it sometimes seems exciting to see such a 19th- or 20th-century battle play out between big money men and the stacks of print their operations flop out all over the city on a daily (or three-day-a-week) A look inside the abbatoir: Rebecca Theim’s new book looks at the (failed) battle to save the daily Times-Picayune