2022 in Review :: A Letter from Antenna’s Executive Director
Hey y’all!
As I reflect on this past year, so much has changed for me personally and for Antenna. I made a life changing pivot from being a full time Professor and practicing artist in Los Angeles to Antenna’s Executive Director and practicing artist in New Orleans. This move has been transformational, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to work for Antenna and be a new member of the creative community of New Orleans. I’m grateful for the Staff, Board, Antenna Collective, funders (The Ford Foundation, The National Endowment for the Arts, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Lambent Foundation, the RosaMary Foundation, the Arts Council of New Orleans, The Louisiana Division of the Arts, the Greater New Orleans Foundation IMPACT Grant, The Ella West Freeman Foundation, The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation) and our individual donors.
Their support and the support of community members like you allows Antenna to provide immeasurable economic, professional, and financial benefits to cultural contributors and culture bearers in the City of New Orleans and the Gulf South region. Our programs ensure that artists have the tools and financial support that they need to thrive and to continue creating dynamic and experimental works to share with local, regional, and national audiences.
In 2023, we will work towards embodying our values by paying staff and contracted partners an honorable wage. We look to W.A.G.E for guidance in creating our pay scales; implement non-hierarchical organizational structures; develop equity based operations, programs and public engagement; be mindful of the environment by maximizing our resources both material and fiscal, and supporting artists who are exploring innovative ways to address contemporary subjects through exhibitions and projects in public space.
Let’s take a moment to celebrate our accomplishments in 2022, and look towards the opportunities that 2023 will bring.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

Carole Frances Lung
Executive Director
See our 2022 annual report: