Making Lemonade-Race, Gender & the Deep South in Beyoncé’s Lemonade

A roundtable discussing Beyoncé’s Lemonade will take place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8, at Rogers Memorial Chapel on Tulane’s Uptown Campus.

Is Lemonade a work of Black feminism? How do we interpret its mix of musical genres, social commentary, and autobiography – all centered on women of color? And what role does the Deep South and New Orleans play in its visual narrative? A group of distinguished artists and scholars will discuss the politics, artistry, and cultural significance of making Lemonade.

Organized by the Gender and Sexuality Studies Program at Tulane. With support from the New Orleans Center for the Gulf South (Nola Gulf South), Africana Studies, and Newcomb College Institute.

Regina Bradley is an alumna Nasir Jones HipHop Fellow (Harvard University, Spring 2016) and an Assistant Professor of African American Literature at Armstrong State University in Savannah, GA.

Garrett Bradley is a filmmaker and professor at Loyola University. Her film “Alone” recently won the Sundance Short Film Jury Award for Best Non-Fiction Film.

Sula Janet Evans holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree with distinguished honors in African Studies and English Literature from Rutgers University. She is a Mardi Gras Indian Medicine Queen with the Mandingo Warrior Tribe, and also serves on the Board of Directors of the Congo Square Preservation Society.

Nghana Lewis is an associate professor of English and of African & African Diaspora Studies; a faculty affiliate of the School of Law; and an adjunct professor with the Department of Psychology at Tulane University.