Meet the Jurors of the Paper Machine Residency Open Call
Meet the jurors of Paper Machine’s Residency Open Call. Selectees will be announced early this spring.

Ingrid Sibley (is) works to promote, preserve and document the African canon of space and time, connecting disparate pieces as she moves across media. Educated in the advertising field as an art director and in language through studying French, she has found a synthesis in the visual and verbal art forms which has coalesced into her current practice of using the book as a mode for deepening connection to self, other and various spaces and times across history and the future. Experience as a performer and educator is intertwined into her presentation of the written word to craft sacred spaces that venture past the standard notion of the book, guiding readers toward new possibilities.

Ryan Leitner is an interdisciplinary artist, assembling his work through photography, painting, video, and installation. His artistic inquiry is directed toward the visualization of queer bodies and their experiences with lived and cultural heritages. Leitner has received grants and fellowships from the The LGBT+ Archives Project of Louisiana and The Museum of Fine Arts and has exhibited at The Plumbing Museum, Area Gallery, Red Truck Gallery.

In addition to managing the Paper Machine residency, Jessica Peterson is a letterpress printer, typographer, book artist and teacher. Grounded by over 6000 lbs of 20th century equipment and type, she owns and operates The Southern Letterpress in New Orleans’ lower Ninth Ward. Her artists’ books are collected in private and public libraries around the country.