Poet Daniel Khalastchi reads at Tulane March 22
Poet Daniel Khalastchi will read at Tulane University on Thursday, March 22. The reading will begin at 6:00 pm, in Room 200B of Norman Mayer Hall.
Khalastchi is the author of award-winning 2011 Tupelo Press publication Manoleria. New Orleans-base Thermos magazine featured an interview with the poet in 2011, upon publication of Manoleria:
TH: How has having a first book out changed how you think about your writing?
DK: I used to think (when I was young, silly, naive, etc.) that having a book out would mean finally getting that Bentley I always wanted and having jobs thrown at me left and right. Yet, to be more serious for a second, I think I actually thought it would give me the chance to really explore poetry in ways any writer who hasn’t gotten their foot in the door may not feel able to. But in truth, it’s made me more nervous about both the act of writing itself and my personal connection to the global megaphone. I find myself asking more frequently now, “what do I want to say/why would anyone care to listen to me/how come I suddenly have all these gray hairs?”
Read the entire interview here.