ROOM 220 presents Spree MacDonald and Tom Lowenstein

ROOM 220 hosts local book launches for Spree MacDonald’s Milksop Codicil and Tom Lowenstein’s The Trials of Walter Ogrod, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18, at the Antenna Gallery (3718 St. Claude Avenue).

Spree MacDonald lives in South Louisiana with his wife and three daughters. His first chapbook, Milksop Codicil, won the Slapering Hol Chapbook Competition and was published in 2017. His poetry has been featured in journals such as RHINO, Warscapes, Transition Magazine, and Berkeley Poetry Review, and has been a finalist for the Anhinga Press Rick Campbell Chapbook Prize, a semi-finalist for the Philip Levine Prize in Poetry, and nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Tom Lowenstein was an investigator and then Policy Director for Innocence Project New Orleans from 2008-2011. He was a Teaching Fellow for Dr. Robert Coles at Harvard and has taught for Bard Early College New Orleans. He has published articles in The American Prospect and the Philadelphia City Paper and is a past recipient of a Fund for Investigative Journalism grant. His book, The Trials of Walter Ogrod, about a wrongful death penalty conviction out of Philadelphia, was published by Chicago Review Press in April 2017.