
E.O. Wilson and Alex Harris: Naturalism, Youth, and Southern Photography at Tulane Oct. 15

Alabama-born Edward O. Wilson is arguably the most important naturalist of the last half of the 20th century, and his research, writing, and advocacy have dramatically shaped the conversation around the natural sciences and conservation in the 21st. He is the recipient of the National Medal of Science in the United States and the prestigious E.O. Wilson and Alex Harris: Naturalism, Youth, and Southern Photography at Tulane Oct. 15

Mission Accomplished

Apologies to any Room 220 readers who showed up to Shaq’s book signing on Saturday after he had left. According to sources at the Garden District Book Shop, his handlers called the evening beforehand to notify the store that Shaq would be appearing from 10:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. instead of 12 — 2 p.m., Mission Accomplished

A success by any measure besides documentary photography: Michael Martone’s reading at the Antenna Gallery

First off, thanks to everyone who came out to Thursday’s reading. Second, if there’s anyone out there who knows how to use a camera and would like to take pictures of Room 220 events, please drop a line to nathan [at], because I apparently have no idea how to make a picture. You’ll get A success by any measure besides documentary photography: Michael Martone’s reading at the Antenna Gallery