TONIGHT: Bryan Charles and Saïd Sayrafiezadeh at Tulane
Bryan Charles and Said Sayrafiezadeh will read from and discuss their work tonight from 6-8 p.m. in Cudd Hall on Tulane’s campus. Somehow I slept on this reading until a friend tipped me off a couple weeks ago. I acquired and read both of their recently released memoirs so fast my eyes bled (I enjoyed both of them–perhaps Said’s more than Charles’), cobbled together some interview questions and sent them via email through a mutual friend at the last minute, and heard nothing back. Go figure. Apparently these guys have better things to do than a rush-job Q&A with some random literary blog, which is probably a testament to their lives.
Anyhow, more details are available here. The writers are both good. More of a heads-up next time, I promise.