UNO CWW Hosts Poets Alison Pelegrin and Stacey Balkun
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Alison Pelegrin is the author of four poetry collections, most recently Waterlines (LSU Press) and Hurricane Party (U. Akron). Her chapbook Our Lady of the Flood was a winner of the Diode chapbook prize and was published in 2018. The recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Louisiana Division of the Arts, recent work of hers has appeared in Tin House, Bennington Review, Poetry East, and the Southern Review. She teaches English at Southeastern Louisiana University.
Stacey Balkun is the author of three poetry chapbooks, including Jackalope-Girl Learns to Speak. Winner of the 2017 Women’s National Book Association Poetry Prize, her critical and creative work has appeared in Best New Poets 2018, Crab Orchard Review, The Rumpus, and other anthologies & journals. In 2018, she was awarded Fellowships from the Wurlitzer Foundation and the Longleaf Writers Conference. Chapbook Series Editor for Sundress Publications, Stacey holds an MFA from Fresno State and teaches poetry online at The Poetry Barn & The Loft.