Leviathans: Queer Mischief in an Amphibious Ecology by Devon Pardue


58 in stock

Binding: Perfect Bound
Pages: 100
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Leviathans is an artist book and flipbook hybrid investigating queer becoming in the ecology of the Gulf South. Through a combination of research, illustration, and rumination, it peeks into the terra incognita of our muddy wetlands, and the trickster Leviathans that emerge from its muck. These queer wilds are not an idyllic nature, but rather one tangled up in brilliant decadence, captivating monstrosity, and soggy beyond-human kinships.

Devon Pardue (they/them) is an experimental animator captured by the effort of non-human beings and the multispecies rat’s nest of our troubled Anthropocene. Their work has taken form as short films, immersive projection installations, and other multidisciplinary new media projects. They have an MFA in Visual Arts from Pacific Northwest College of Art and a BFA in Animation from Kansas City Art Institute. Devon currently dilly-dallies in the vulnerable wetlands of Louisiana they are native to.

Additional information

Weight 1.6 lbs
Dimensions 5 × .25 × 2.75 in