a studio in the woods

À Propos with A Studio in the Woods

The Stacks hosts À Propos with A Studio in the Woods at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 25, at The Stacks at the CAC (900 Camp Street). À Propos is a series of event produced by The Stacks Bookstore that features each month a different non-profit organization based in the New Orleans metro-area. During that evening, À Propos with A Studio in the Woods

E.O. Wilson and Alex Harris: Naturalism, Youth, and Southern Photography at Tulane Oct. 15

Alabama-born Edward O. Wilson is arguably the most important naturalist of the last half of the 20th century, and his research, writing, and advocacy have dramatically shaped the conversation around the natural sciences and conservation in the 21st. He is the recipient of the National Medal of Science in the United States and the prestigious E.O. Wilson and Alex Harris: Naturalism, Youth, and Southern Photography at Tulane Oct. 15