ari braverman

Recently read, a New Orleans writers round up: Elizabeth Gross, Adrian Van Young, Justin Nobel, the Peaudunque Writers Alliance, and more

If you’re craving a break from your election anxieties, Room 220 has put together an incredible, non-exhaustive list of recent publications from writers around New Orleans, as well as a few from those who used to be in our midst. Elizabeth Gross, whose chapbook will released from the Room 220 imprint Press Street Press later this month, Recently read, a New Orleans writers round up: Elizabeth Gross, Adrian Van Young, Justin Nobel, the Peaudunque Writers Alliance, and more

You might think sending Bhutanese people to Fargo doesn’t make sense, but it does: A Conversation About Refugees with Juliet Linderman and Susan Weishar

Refugees granted asylum in the United States arrive through only a handful of cities. They often spend the first night in their new country at a hotel near the airport, where they rest and prepare for the next leg of their journey. Beginning in 2007, the first person some of these refugees would meet in You might think sending Bhutanese people to Fargo doesn’t make sense, but it does: A Conversation About Refugees with Juliet Linderman and Susan Weishar

Michael Jeffrey Lee and Adrian Van Young read at Maple Street Books (Bayou St. John) June 4

The Bayou St. John outpost of the Maple Street Bookstore empire (3141 Ponce de Leon) will host local writers Adrian Van Young and Michael Jeffrey Lee for readings at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4. Both authors have released well-received shorty story collections in the relatively near past, but they will present current work. Lee’s Something Michael Jeffrey Lee and Adrian Van Young read at Maple Street Books (Bayou St. John) June 4