
Thursday! Thursday! Thursday! Music Makers, Cuban book arts, and the Great New Orleans Kidnapping!

As tends to happen from time to time, this Thursday, Oct. 16, will bring to New Orleans three excellent book events, but you’ll have to be a time-traveling ninja to get to all of them. So, take your pick: Tim Duffy, founder of the Music Maker Relief Foundation, will present that organization’s new book, We Are Thursday! Thursday! Thursday! Music Makers, Cuban book arts, and the Great New Orleans Kidnapping!

Cuba, Now!

Antenna is proud to present Cuba, Now!, images from writer/photographer Richard Fleming’s book Walking to Guantanamo, as well as a screening of an excerpt from the film in progress, Uprising– Drums, Voice of Resistance with filmmaker William Sabourin O’Reilly. Book signing: Thursday, January 14th, 7:00 – 9:00 Cuba, Now! is part of a major citywide Cuba, Now!