Katrina Andry

Mixed Messages.2

Please join Press Street for a Gallery Opening & Reception for “MIXED MESSAGES.2 – Multiracial Identity Past and Present.” Featured Artists: Katrina Andry, Yvette Boteler, Keith Duncan, Horton Humble, E. Paul Julien, Elizabeth Kleinveld, Soraya Jean-Louis McElroy, Susan O’Connor, Aubrey Roemer, Paige Valente, and Christopher Porche West.  Curated by Jerald L. White and Beryl Johns.  Admission Mixed Messages.2

Instructions – Call & Response

Antenna Members Brad Benischek, Angela Driscoll, Courtney Egan, Laura Gipson, Susan Gisleson, James Goedert, Shawn Hall, Robin Levy, Natalie McLaurin, Bob Snead, and Jerald L. White, respond to written instructions by Katrina Andry, Janine Antoni, Amanda Cassingham, Paul Chan, David Ebbinghouse, Mark Grote, Takashi Horisaki and Shinsuke Aso, Horton Humble, Beryl Johns, Chase Markovich, Soraya Instructions – Call & Response


  WHAT WE CAN DO – A group art exhibition organized by Ron Bechet. When I was asked to organize artists for the July exhibition at Antenna Gallery, I thought about the work of artists I knew and respected through meeting them or seeing their process over time. Many things came to mind about what WHAT WE CAN DO