rachel kushner

I’m not sure there is a clear distinction between “to communicate” and to “monologue”: An interview with Rachel Kushner

By Nathan C. Martin Like any historical novel—even one set in recent history—Rachel Kushner’s The Flamethrowers is a convergence of the past and the present, the time before now rendered with the help of research but intrinsically influenced by the contemporary moment that shapes the author’s daily life. And like many novels, The Flamethrowers is I’m not sure there is a clear distinction between “to communicate” and to “monologue”: An interview with Rachel Kushner

HAPPY HOUR SALON: Rachel Kushner, Nathaniel Rich, and Zachary Lazar Live at the Press Street HQ

Join Room 220 for a Happy Hour Salon featuring readings by three exciting and celebrated novelists—Rachel Kushner, Nathaniel Rich, and Zachary Lazar—from 6 – 9 p.m. on Thursday, May 9, at the Press Street HQ (3718 St. Claude Ave.). Kushner, who will be visiting from Los Angeles, and New Orleans-based Rich both have new novels HAPPY HOUR SALON: Rachel Kushner, Nathaniel Rich, and Zachary Lazar Live at the Press Street HQ