10th Annual DRAW-A-THON!
@ 3330 Saint Claude Ave.
Press Street’s 24 hour Draw-a-thon is the only event of its kind in the city of New Orleans. It is an art experience in which people are active participants– not spectators; where the entire premise is to encourage creating for the sake of creating. It is an all-ages, free event that is open to the public with all art materials provided.
6:30am Draw-a-thon Commences!
10am Time Travel Convience Store: Supplies for your Past, Present & Future Needs with Jeannie Detweiller
11am til eternity: The Future of Your Lines with Kenny Harrison
noon: Light Drawn In- Black Hole Drawing with Abby Wetsman
2-5 pm: Kourtney Keller Wrinkles in Time
3-5pm: DISCO self-portraits with Mapo
7-10pm: Columbus Street Drawing Collective
(6) 20 minute tableaus for your drawing enjoyment
10-midnight: Speed Drawing with Drill Sergeant Gary Oaks
After midnight– Time Karaoke: Future Tense, IN THE KEY OF DRAW with Kourtney Keller and Bob Snead
2-4am: Camp Cassingham’s: Old Fashion Home Style with Metaphysical Marshmallows
3am: Luke the Harpist
5-6:30am: Clean up
On-Going Activities!
The Amazing Draw-a-tron 3000 by Amanda Cassingham Bardwell
Drawn Through Time: The ongoing 24 Hour Splendiferrous
SCRIBBLE SCROLL hosted by Imagecaster Caesar Meadows
Big Class Collaboration Undrawable Stories: A New Era of Time
Re-masterpieces with Becky and Ry Gipson
Stitch in Time with Natalie McLaurin
Terminal Zero, Time Travel Express with Chicory Miles
Creature Warp with Chris Deris
Future Forest with Ron Bechet
Still-life Peep Show with Susan Gisleson
Mystery Mosaic
Homer Plessy School
Whimsy Post
Emergency Drawing Kits
Fleurs pour la Paix
Tree Ring Circus
Butterfly Effect
Drawathon is November 28, 6:30 am to November 29, 6:30am at the New Orleans Art Center, 3330 St Claude!