“365 Days of Crazy” by Scott Turner Schofield
Please join us on September 6th from 7-9pm at Dancing Grounds (3705 St. Claude Ave) for a new performance by the award winning Scott Turner Schofield.
“365 Days of Crazy (AlaskaAtlantaAvignon)” is the autobiographical journey of Schofield’s suicide attempt on a dark night in Alaska to his survival and recovery at home in Atlanta, and finally to a main stage performance at Europe’s grandest theater festival in Avignon. You’ll see Jesus in the East Village, booty dance in the break room of a mental hospital, and bend and breathe your way to inner peace through a series of bipolar episodes, medication-induced hallucinations, and moments of yogic awareness. Stories that are as incredible as they are affirming, scary as they are peaceful, and hilarious as they are poignant break through the madness within and without.
Scott Turner Schofield is a man who was a woman, a lesbian turned straight guy who is usually taken for a gay teenager. As a full time performance artist, Schofield tours year-round, working on college campuses as often as at theatrical institutions. In addition to consistently sold-out performances, his residencies include lectures, workshops with youth (including fraternities and sororities) and administrators in college, municipal, and corporate settings. This combination of advocacy and art has significantly changed non-discrimination policies nationwide.
This event is $5 for Press Street and Dancing Grounds members, $10 for non-members.
This event would not be possible without the John Burton Harter Charitable Trust (http://www.jbharter.org/info/trust.html). Thank you again for your support